
Nectar brands

At a time when everything you touch is pure technology and when everything you see passes in seconds, when everything you get used to quickly becomes quickly replaced with something “better”, “more modern,” “different,” just at that time you need your emotions. You need to feel thrilled and know that you have something you can always count on, which you can always return, something you love.

You need warmth, love, tradition. You need a Nectar.

Nectar is every seed planted in our fields, from where we read the most powerful hooks and we send them to your warm home.

Nectar is not a brand. Nectar is more than a brand. Nectar is a family.

It’s the emotions you share with your child, your family, your friends. That feeling of warmth that takes you back when you get home and pull it under a soft blanket after a hard day. Nectar is your home friend with whom everything is fine, nice, tidy, and sad, unexpectedly, surprisingly. Nectar is not just fruit, nor is it just vegetables packed in packaging. Nectar is all that love we read about this fruit.

Recognition “Best from Serbia”

Our company has been declared the best brand in Serbia for several years in a row. The prestigious award came from the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, as the “Best from Serbia”. We are awarded in two categories – as the best corporate brand and as the best brand in the category of drinks for “Nectar Family”. The recognition came to us thanks to the consumers’ votes satisfied with the rich assortment of “Nectar Group”.

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